Three Lightning Strikes In Chicago
Photograph by Barry Butler


Due to the nature of this PropheticVoice from July 16, I felt I needed to wait for its release. It is what the LORD gave me to share. I discerned that this is a Commission and Command to declare over our region for those of us who have ears to hear. May we hear by His Spirit…


“Behold, I am He who showed the triple lightning strike in the heavens, which occurred simultaneously on July 15, 2024.


“Watch as I strike down My enemies. The three lightning strikes are symbols of My power and Presence illuminating the skies. They underscore My message as I declare: ‘Three strikes, you’re out!’ Again, I say, watch as I strike My enemies.


“Prepare for My transformative power. I AM releasing my breath and Resurrection power over My City. I breathe the breath of life; with it, you will hear a sound released from heaven. It will be an earsplitting thunderous sound like the roar of many waterfalls. This sound carries with it a new song from My Holy Mountain!


“The reverberation will thunder throughout the realms, the city, and surrounding lands, announcing three things:

[1] WORSHIP—A new call to worship Me pronounced over the City, for I AM He, the Maker of Heaven, Earth, and the Seas. The rattling of prison doors and chains breaking will be heard as the worship travels from My Throne Room throughout the City. Those with ears to hear will hear the frequencies emitted through worship vibration as it is carried far and wide. I will be lifted high, and you will hear: “Holy, Holy, Holy is GOD. Praise Him and His Mighty acts, for He is the Holy One!”


[2] GOSPEL—The Gospel will be unhindered, proclaimed boldly, and transcend boundaries. The Good News brings the Light of My Son, Jesus The Christ, to dispel the darkness. Where wickedness once convened, and paths were covered in darkness and chaos, the Light of My Son will illuminate the way, causing Shalom and clarity to prevail.


[3] BABYLON—Those who gaze upon Babylon are mesmerized and dazzled by its pale light, bewitched by its allure. Yet it brings confusion, slavery, and the occult. They believe it to be unstoppable, just as in the days of old. I say No! Declare the fall of Babylon along with its seductions and spell-binding influence. Declare its time is short-lived.


Speak death to religious heresies and structures that have infiltrated some of My Houses of worship and My people. Declare that the anointing will no longer be merchandised among those with ears to hear. Pronounce the captives free by My Son. Proclaim to all the saints: “Keep My Commandments.” Do not waver nor compromise. Allow My purification fire to replace the smell of the world with the scent of Holiness. Stand, and stand firm. Hold fast to your faithfulness in Christ.


“I am dealing with the false religious systems, prophets, and teachers, for I have found falsehood, not only in the system but in their mouths as well! I have seen the worship of Baal, queen of heaven, idolatry, man, mammon, and more. The Holy angels you see are My Messengers bringing My eternal word to the people, tribes, and nations situated within the gates of this City. Proclaim My Glory and the Fear of the LORD, your Holy GOD.”


“Hold steadfast to My promises, for I am Faithful to you and My Promises!”




In His Service,

Apostle Evelyn L. Cobb


  1. Psalm 94:4
  2. Acts 17:25, 28
  3. Acts 16:26
  4. Matthew 24:27
  5. Psalm 89:34



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The call for today is to: “Go Deeper in Love and Sacrifice.”


Interestingly, the very thing Jesus exhibited is the very thing we tend to shy away from as the Body of Christ or do not exhibit well. Yes, He died for the remission of our sins and a life eternally with Him. However, at times, we lose sight of love and sacrifice.


Abba Father desires that we go deeper in love for Him, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit through our sacrifice to Them, His Family, and the world. He is releasing a new wind of His breath for those who are submitted to Him along with the Fire of His Spirit to purify and ignite. He is also expressing more of His heart so we can see where our hearts align with His.


He is watching for those who are willing to go deeper in love, offering their sacrifice as part of worshipping Him in Spirit and in Truth, living a life of worship with His Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. Love and a willingness to sacrifice to Him and those He gave His life for will ignite a new passion.



Thank You, Jesus, for the profound and ardent love that You exhibited at the Cross, and through Your life. We praise You for who You are; what You have done; and continue doing for mankind. Abba Father, bring us closer by the power of Your Spirit, that we may exhibit and sacrifice a more in-depth love for You, Jesus, Holy Spirit, our brethren, and Your creation. You have empowered us to not lose sight of sacrificing through the anointing of Your Holy Spirit.


I say Yes to resonating Your Love and Sacrifice. I receive the release of Your new wind and breath. Purify and ignite me along with Your Body. Show me where I am aligned and not aligned with Your heart. Instruct me on how to align with You and Your heart more effectively. By faith, I thank You for the fresh passion You are igniting in me and the Body of Christ!


Thank You for clarity of purpose in my walk and service to you. In the name of Jesus, I pray and believe. Amen!


In His Service,

Apostle Evelyn L. Cobb


  1. Mark 10:45
  2. Ephesians 5:2
  3. Jeremiah 29:13-14
  4. Jeremiah 33:3
  5. Romans 12:1
  6. John 4:24



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Copyright © 2023Seed Of Nations International Centre. All rights reserved. All PropheticVoice articles are written, distributed, and owned by Apostle Evelyn L. Cobb of Seed Of Nations International Centre and as such cannot be reproduced, rewritten, changed, amended, omitted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system or used without our prior written permission. We reserve the right to change, modify, add, or delete the contents of this blog at any time without prior notice.



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The LORD has spoken, declaring we are in an ‘Isaiah 6 moment.’  This is a period of urgent spiritual purification as we witness the intense fire of GOD’s divine work.


He said:


“I AM not only after the sin, but I AM looking at the condition of your heart. I listen for what is coming out of the mouth of My people; what is being confessed; and what you are saying about one another. Do you have unclean lips? Have you discerned what spirit is motivating your speech? Know that I desire to:


  1. Show what motivates you to feel and say what you do.
  2. Clear your sin.
  3. Heal your heart.


“I am after your heart. Your lips speak of what lies in your heart, releasing it into the spiritual realm.


“Now, let me tell you the things I have seen…


“I have seen infighting among my children, followed by: ‘I am just calling out the truth, and simply pointing out what is false.’ Some have been pointing fingers at others and ignoring what lies in their own heart. They believe they are doing this for My sake and that of My people, so that My people are not deceived. I tell you that not everything that has been called false is. Some have sinned in the moment, just as David did. Sin does not disqualify those who are repentant. I do not see My grace and forgiveness being extended by My body, only unforgiveness, condemnation, judgment, shaming, and fame. Yes, fame; you want to be known. Be careful lest you fall. Stop fighting with one another and calling each other out. Have you forgotten My commanded approach in Matthew 18:25-35?


“I have also seen My people set up disgusting images in My house called by My name. Some have been confused thinking it did not apply to them because I gave them space to repent. Others have believed I turned a blind eye or worse, that I did not care. I have spoken, and even sent My prophets to deliver My word. Yet they turned My prophets away, and in doing so, rejected Me. They allowed this god, who is not Me, to deceive them by the works they said to be doing in My name.


“There has also been a compromise in My house. It is being defiled by My own. Did you not think I would start with My house? Did you believe that you would be exempt from My fires of purification? You have also allowed other abominations to enter and take over. You permitted yourselves to be used and deceived because you were more concerned with numbers; the ones being “healed” and mammon. So many of you have been living double lives, halting between two opinions, compromising, and straddling the fence.


“I have seen it all, and now you see that I have not turned a blind eye. I do care, and no one is exempt from the cleansing. Did I not tell you that judgment would begin in My house? I AM not a man that I should lie. Pulpits, platforms, positions, and properties will be vacated and left desolate by those refusing to surrender, submit, and heed My call to purification. The land needs to be cleansed and healed. This is what you now see.


“Please do not allow yourself to be misled. This is not limited solely to My leaders behind the pulpits; it extends beyond pulpits. No one is exempt from My cleansing fires. I will utter My judgment against all this wickedness and those who say to know Me but reject Me. Yes, I see how you have turned from Me by burning incense, sacrificing, and worshipping false gods, teachers, prophets, men, and mammon. You bow before evil and their altars rather than to Me; the Holy, True, and Living GOD. Yes, service is being given to the works of your hands, thinking that I do not see and respond.


“Also, what about the defiling dance in My house, called by My name, which you call worship? Let Me tell you what I see: It is worship, but not to Me, the True GOD. I find no wholesome holiness in what goes on before My eyes. What songs do I hear in some of My houses with My name? Let me tell you what I hear: the sound of wickedness, not holiness. You are worshipping another entity, and it is evil.


“The time has come for judgment, to begin with My household and My family.


“I love you, My Body. It is because of My love and refusal to leave you in this state that I desire to remove the sin, the stench of hidden sin and guilt. This is a time of purification by fire. I will reapply the atoning Blood of the Lamb who sacrificed Himself to redeem and provide a deep cleansing.

I AM looking for true worshippers who will worship Me in Spirit and Truth. I desire complete surrender and submission. I want you healed so that your eyes may open to truly see; your ears open to hear; and your hearts open to understand. It is not My desire that the evil one prevails in you. I do not want him to use you for evil purposes, so I AM issuing this warning. I have started to cleanse My temple, burning away the chaff.


“However, from what remains, I AM  raising a remnant, a Holy people who have gone through the purification fires. Those who hear My voice, surrender, and obey it, are the ones I call My Holy seed. This Holy seed is My chosen family for the end times. They are obedient, strong, unwavering, uncompromising, bold, and full of the Fire of My Spirit and the Fear of The LORD. They are ready to carry out My end-time messages, teachings, and assignments, for My Glory. Many will see My Light emanating from them.


“You ask: ‘Why is all of this happening now?’ Well, this is what many of you have prayed for. You prayed for a manifestation of My Glory. Some even asked to be carriers of My Glory. For this to be true, you must see and experience what My prophet Isaiah did. How can this happen if My people are unclean? I cannot dwell in anything defiled. I AM purifying in answer to your petitions. Listen for Me, confess, and repent from what The Holy Spirit reveals to you before I come to your house and Temple. I AM He who redeems and loves you with an everlasting, eternal love.”


In His Service,

Apostle Evelyn L. Cobb


  1. Isaiah 6:3-13 
  2. Jeremiah 1:16 
  3. 1 Peter 4:17
  4. John 4:24
  5. Matthew 18:25-35



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Showdown At Mount Carmel

“Now, therefore, send and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.”

The LORD spoke to me and said, “The prophets of baal and those who jezebel supports are being called to Mount Carmel. The showdown between My prophets and those of jezebel is taking place. One will be unable to answer; the Other will answer by fire, showing that He is the true and living One!

GOD spoke to me about the many who had refused to obey Him, worshiping baal and asherah instead, and praying to their gods. However, His children pray to Him, the True and Living LORD.

LORD Sabaoth is summoning the people and prophets to gather at the Garden of GOD. The question being posed by His prophet; “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is GOD, follow Him! But if Baal is god, then follow him!”

GOD has heard the false witness of the people and false prophets who declared false prophecies, lies, and stepped out ahead, going first. The people prepared and called out to their GOD and were assured a response. These are they who shouted and raved of victories to come and wins arrived. The prophets of jezebel thought they had the victory. Yet, I AM is unveiling that true victory belongs to Him.

Now GOD’s showdown begins as His prophets call for all to; “Come over here!” The people are gathering all around; altars of worship that had been previously torn down are now being repaired. Through His prophets, GOD is using stones of remembrance in the form of prayers, repentance, praise, and worship to repair His altars of worship across the land. They will enjoy what He has purposed for them to have. Be careful and do not forget what the LORD has done, His mighty acts.

This pivotal moment on the spiritual Mount Carmel is where GOD is showing Himself mighty and strong, revealing His power descending from heaven like fire in this hour.


Declare this word with me:

“O LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, show this day that You are not only the GOD of Israel, Your people, and Your prophets, but also the GOD of the United States of America. Your servants, the prophets, have prophesied all that You commanded. O LORD answer us! Answer us so that the entire world will know that You are GOD, and You have brought Your people back to Yourself. Thank You, for restoring the voice and authority of Your people throughout the land. Thank You, for causing your sudden fire to flash down from heaven, that all may see it and when we do, we fall on our faces upon the ground shouting; Jehovah is GOD! Jehovah is GOD!”


In His Service,

Apostle Evelyn L. Cobb


  • 1 Kings 18:19-20




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